Monday, May 30, 2011

When do you think the real Amy was switched with her Ganger?
Considering that at some point in the near future, perhaps even the next episode, we are flashing back to Rory watching over the Pandorica while Amy was inside, I imagine it will be revealed the switch was made last season. I am not certain how that could have been pulled off, however, considering how vital her memories were to the series arc. If she was a Ganger part way through, that would add a very confusing element to a story that already needed a diagram to explain it.

The only other onscreen bit we have seen where the switch might have taken place is when Amy was kidnapped by the Silence. But by that point, she had already seen the Eye Patch Lady randomly appear, so she had to have already been taken by that point. I doubt her kidnapping by the Silence was the moment, but they do seem to be involved in the overall plot somehow.

The easiest answer--and that is generally never the kind Steven Moffatt presents--is that Amy was switched out between her honeymoon with Rory and their reunion with the Doctor in the sixth series premiere. At the moment, that would sound anticlimactic since we have no clue what happened during that period, but there is still half a season to go. Maybe more will be revealed to make the switch then interesting.

Regardless, I am betting the switch occurred between the Christmas special and the series premiere when Rory and Amy were playing house.


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