Friday, July 8, 2011

What happened since 2005 to sour you so much on Star Trek: Enterprise that the thought of recapping it fills you with dread? From your blog on 2/25/05: "I liked Enterprise, I'll admit, even though it was the worst Star Trek by a country mile." Plus, looki
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There is a big difference between liking a television show enough to sit down and watch it once a week, particularly when the alternative is law school homework or convalescing from a ruptured colon., and writing an episode analysis everyday for over three months.

Besides, reviewing VOY is a concession I made because readers voted for it after I spent a year covering two series I decided to cover solely because I wanted to watch them again. Once VOY is done in late November/early December, I will go back to picking shows I want to experience again.

As far as the list of possible shows I want to review is concerned, ENT is way down on it. I just described it as an preferable alternative to studying law or watching your intestines rot out from under you. Talk about killing with faint praise.


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