Sunday, May 1, 2011

What do you make of Andrew Breitbart's (so far) one sided war with Glenn Beck? PS- Love the new blue font. Its much easier on the eyes compared to the orange.
Over the Sherry Sherrod video allegedly being edited so she looked racist? I do not know much about it. Considering how fast the issue died, I assume it was much ado about nothing. Judging by the timing of Andrew Breitbart’s complaints about Glenn Beck throwing him under the bus coinciding with the release of Breitbart’s book Righteous Indignation, I would guess the feed is all about promoting the book. There is no reason for Beck to get into that sort of thing.

My only knowledge of Andrew Breitbart, aside from frequenting several blogging sites he owns, is from his Twitter feed. It is 95% retweets from angry progressives insulting him. He ether gets off on being hated, or likes playing the victim. Maybe a little of both. You will notice Breitbart does not promote his own political beliefs. He seems to be putting himself in the position in which he is most comfortable.

I am going at this from what limited knowledge I have of the matter. I know even less in general about Beck than I do breitbart. I rank political pundit feuds right up there will pro wrestle ring drama--and much for the same reason, if you know what I mean and I think you do.

Thanks for commenting on the blue colored links. About a week ago, I looked at the color scheme and it suddenly dawned on me how gawdy the orange links were. The blue comes across as more mellow. It is also more high contrast for my lone, pitiful peeper, too.


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