Tuesday, March 22, 2011

When you blogged about Obama's BP oil spill speech last year, you mocked him for suggesting alternate energy sources while advocating nuclear power. Has the current situation in Japan changed your mind?
No. Nuclear power is still the safest, cleanest, and most efficient form of energy. Japan's problems have to do with safety inspection failures, not nuclear power use in general.

A lot of critics have trotted out Chernobyl in recent days. There is not much chance of safety inspection failures in the United States. There is absolutely no chance of inferior soviet technology and know how causing a major disaster in the United States. Even Three Mile Island only released the radiation equivalent of three x-rays.

Look, I am all for seeking out alternate energy sources. If we can come up with something clearner, safer, and more efficient than nuclear energy, I am all for it. But this pie in the sky notion progressives have that if we just throw billions of dollars into theoretical projects, we will eventually hit on something, which is essentially what obama said back then in his speech. As I recall, that is what he did for the majority of his speech, rather than discuss any specifics on the oil spill clean up.

Obama suggested solar panels and windmills to power the most industrialized nation on earth, population 300 million +. Is anyone other than a spaced out progressive dumb enough to think that is going to work? I certainly hope not.

My biggest fear is that the nuclear plants in Japan, the BP oil spill in the Gulf, and various mining accidents in recent years are going to fire up progressives even more against nuclear, oil, and coal to the point talk of solar panels and windmills will dominate energy policy. The fact they will not work in the united states has not stopped progessives from their fascination with blowing money on high speed rail. Progressives always maintain a death grip on bad ideas.


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