It is time once again to round up all the bloggers gracious enough to link to me this week.
Sentry Journal links to Barack Obama's Rationale for Reelection: His Middle Name is Hussein.
Pirate's Cove links to FMJRA #90, Blogroll Spotlight #86, and Melanie Laurent.
American Power links to FMJRA #90.
Proof Positive links to Malin Akerman, Blake Lively, and Anne Hathaway.
Say Anything links to Malin akerman, Blake Lively, and Anne Hathaway.
MEJTYYY00 links to Anne Hathaway.
American Perspective links to Melanie Laurent.
Mind Numbed Robot links to Melanie Laurent.
Classic Liberal links to Nukes, Because So Much Wind Will Not Cut It Some roule 5 links; Abbie Cornish, Kaley Cuoco, and Minka Kelly
Fishersville Mike links to Kaley Cuoco.
A sincere thank you to all who linked this week. If you linked to me in the last week, but I do not have you here, you unfortunately fell through the cracks of Technorati, Google Blog Search, and Sitemeter. Please drop me a note in the comments and I will update with your link.