Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I do not know exactly how I feel about the current military operation in Libya is a good idea. My reluctance to blog about the matter is twofold. One, cannot do anything to suit me. I criticize his inaction on important matters, then I do not like what he decides to do once he quits dragging his feet. So what is the point of me saying anything/ The other reason may irritate some readers, but I am wary of neocons and their grandiose schemes for Pax Americana. I agree with Pat Buchanan that engaging in small, perpetual conflicts without clear national interests at stake marches the united States towards its decline. Look at the fall of the united Kingdom over the last century or so as proof. But I have been amused by a few points of interest.

First, Muammar Qadhafi 9no, I do not know how to spell it properly, either, but I am consistent. There is something to be said for that.) is responsible for the bombing of a German disco and pan Am flight 103, killing some 200 Americans. That is more than enough justification to remove him from the Earth, much less power. Why does that argument take as much of a backseat as the gassing of the Kurds or the assassination attempt on George Bush during the build up to the Iraq War? Is it the progressive notion imperialist Americans deserve what they get? The current attacks on Libya have been called imperialist by the far left.

Second, I will bet part of the reason Michelle Obama said she was never proud of her country is because of its perceived imperialism. I wonder how she personally feels about bombing Libya/ considering her actual statement is she was never proud of her country until Obama looked like a shoo in to take power, I suspect the Queen Michelle persona has usurped Black Liberation Theology Michelle, so it is probably all right.

Third, speaking of blacks, you would think Obama would be more sensitive to the anti-war left considering how progressives have taken the black vote for granted for decades. How many times has he heard the sentiment, ‘Who else ya gonna vote for, suckers? Republicans?” But no, he know knows the Code Pink types have no one else to vote for, so they have to accept whatever he does. He is kind of like an abused kid who grew up to act out the past abuse on others now that he has the power to do so.

Fourth,, I am not thrilled, no matter what the conflict, to hear the president say someone else needs to take the leadership role. He has always been quick to pass the blame for failure, potential and realized, onto someone else. I suspect the operation in libya is too little, too late, but does he have to announce he is going to lay the responsibility for failure on our allies while the mission is still in its beginnings?

Finally, I am also not thrilled with reinforcing the notion the international community has to approve of our foreign policy pursuits. Granted, I am not certain we ought to care a whole lot about a Libyan civil war. But if we are going to go for it, the notion that Europe needs to rubber stamp policy is bunk. I am all for like-minded allies battling evil tyrants together, but that is not what this is. This is a committee of nations conducting target practice while trying to decide what their mission is. While the leader of the freed world crows over his successful NCAA bracket in Rio. You what the bottom line comes to there? Why should we as americans care when the people running the show do not?


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