Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Julianne Moore as Palin? I could see that working in a world where Palin is a recovering burn victim. Thoughts about this atrocious casting?
I agree with you. Julian moore looks nothing like Sarah Palin. Her accent is way off, too. She is going to imitate palin’s speech pattern to the point of parody.

The movie is going to be based on Game Changer, which is nothing but a hit piece, and that is exactly what the movie is going to be. People are going to tune in to watch exactly for that reason, so why not cast a relative unknown as Palin? It is not like a large number of people who would not otherwise tune in will change their minds because Moore is playing the role.

Maybe she is Emmy bait. HBO ’s movies and miniseries have attracted big name talent because their productions have dominated television awards. What will be interesting is the test of integrity. Will possessing the right political tone--anti-Palin--allow the film to dominate at the Emmy awards in spite of it already starting off with a miscast lead?


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