Friday, March 4, 2011

"Diesel Island", 
la nuova "Lost" 
firmata Diesel

Continuano le avventure dei naufraghi in “DieselIsland, land of the stupid, home of the brave”. Dopo “Be Stupid”, la nuovacollezione Diesel è una provocazione alle convenzioni, ai pregiudizi ed alleregole prestabilite. In “Diesel Island” sono riuniti gli estrosi, gli“orgogliosamente stupidi” ed i coraggiosi, pronti ad affrontare nuove sfide nelmondo naturale e selvaggio dell’isola deserta. Questa volta Diesel non silimita a proporre la propria collezione ma la racconta giorno dopo giorno. Sulsito del brand, infatti, è possibile conoscere tutte le vicende dei giovaninaufraghi: così, gli amanti di Diesel,invece di vedere i capi, potranno scoprire la nuova collezione lentamente,vivendo emozioni uniche con i protagonisti di questa avvincente storia. Sarannoraccontati l’arrivo sull’isola, l’organizzazione, l’inno della nazione ed oraanche “Lullaby”, laninna nanna di “Diesel Island”: insomma, una sorta di “Lost” firmato Diesel.Per chi è un amante dell’imprevedibile, non perdete gli episodi di “DieselIsland” sul sito Diesel.
Questo un estratto in anteprima diLullaby: “Hey fellow pioneers, it’s time to go to sleep on Diesel Island, Sograb your pillow, kiss your friends good night ,And go to bed to hear today’slullaby – Here we go -We had a busy, so busy day, We built a house with our ownhands, we’ve chosen a goat to be our pet, we said a prayer for Pirate Bay…. Night night”.
 Per le foto su Glamour and Fashion clicca QUI ! ;D

Glamour Marmalade

"Diesel Island",
the new "Lost" 
signed Diesel

The castaways continue theiradventure in “Diesel Island, land ofthe stupid, home of the brave”. After “Be stupid”, the new collection of Dieselis a provocation to the conventions, and the prejudices. “Diesel Island”is the place created for the braves and terminally stupid. They are ready toface the new challenges in the wild island. The Diesel’s lovers can know thecastaway’s adventure: they can see all the videos on Diesel’s website. So thebrand wants to present his collection in a new way. The Diesel’s lovers don’tonly watch the clothes but they can live the emotions of the pioneers. Now it’sthe moment to know “Lullaby”, the ninna nanna. This is an exciting history like“Lost” signed Diesel. See the viseo on Diesel’s website! 

Lullaby: "Heyfellow pioneers, it's time to go to sleep on Diesel Island So grab your pillow,kiss your friends good night And go to bed to hear today's lullaby - Here we go- We had a busy, so busy day, We built a house with our own hands, we've chosena goat to be our pet, we said a prayer for Pirate Bay. We had a busy so fuckingbusy day! we saved a Gypsy from an angry French, We emailed the Pope and try toconvince, condoms are great, not what he thinks, today was busy, now I am sotired, tomorrow we have to disarm a weapon of mass destruction and find an endto slavery in Asia. So we better go to sleep we know that tomorrow's world willstill be shit but we hope we can make it a bit better, From Diesel Island. Night night". 

Click HERE to see all photos on Glamour and Fashion! ;D
Glamour Marmalade

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